Carlo VANCHIERI - Africa

Artist The prices of Carlo VANCHIERI / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Africa
Year 2001
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature lower right
Size of the artwork
39.37 x 47.24 in
100 x 120 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by Vanchieri Carlo
Bill/Invoice No
Condition good condition

The artwork's composition spreads out to two different, but same-sized, canvas surfaces (cm. 60 x cm. 100); these are fixed to the centre by two hinges that let the work opening to the maximum range of 180°.

So, for instance, the painting could easily be hanging from a corner wall, 45 degrees opened. The edges (cm. 2 depth) are sandblasted and cerulean oil-colour fixed. Work's structure starts from a pink shades oval heart, placed centrally at the bottom. The movement extends equally on both sides, just like forming arches through various thick and long green brush strokes. The collateral inspiration of the painting comes by a tiny African figure, just like it previously happened to the early Modern Art scene, where a very big portion of concepts and ideas have been inspired directly by African Primitive Art. The figure is a female one and like in ancient African representations, the woman is divine, since she gives continuity to life being procreative....

Lot # 2775737
Seller status Private seller
Country ITALY (Bagheria)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Shipping cost 80
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 8.0 Kg
Starting bid
4,800 €
4,800 € (5,207 $)
4,800 € (4,090 £)
4,800 € (37,668 ¥)
Auction starts on 10 Jun 2024 06:00